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Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine, Phase III clinical trials.

Early clinical trials by U.S. pharmaceutical company Moderna to develop a new type of coronavirus infection vaccine found that all subjects successfully formed antibodies.

There is a high possibility that the Corana 19 vaccine will be released soon.

Moderna, a U.S. biotech company, is the most promising company to date in the race to develop a vaccine for the virus that has crippled the global economy. Moderna shares surged in pre-opening trading and hit an all-time high.Optimistic forecasts for vaccines have lifted global stock markets. However, until the successful vaccine is released, it is still full of obstacles, and the homework remains that some patients in the experiment experienced side effects.

Moderna's Corona19 Vaccine, Phase III clinical trials.

Moderna, which began clinical trials on Corona vaccine drugs for the first time in the world on March 16, 2020, when the Corona 19 Pandemics was under way, is scheduled to begin phase III clinical trials on July 27, the final stage of the vaccine launch.

According to the announcement, all of the applicants showed antibody reactions, and none complained of serious side effects. However, some patients reported that more than half of the subjects who were given secondary or slightly larger doses of the drug had reactions such as fatigue, headaches, chills and muscle aches.

* Introducing video of Modern NASA's development of the Corona vaccine

Results of 45 patient clinical trials...

Moderna's clinical trial results come from the first group of 45 patients who administered a vaccine called mRNA-1273. The results were evaluated for three doses given by two injections of injection therapy. Forty-five patients have been selected for use in a large-scale study of the three-trees test, which will begin on July 27.

The participants were given two injections every 28 days. After primary administration, they all produced antibodies bound to the Corona virus, but most have yet to produce antibodies that can neutralize the virus.

According to the study, all 42 people who had received a certain amount of vaccine produced antibodies that could neutralize the corona virus. During phase three clinical trials, the vaccine will be compared to placebo injections in 30,000 healthy people with a high risk of coronavirus infection.

However, given the second part of the first stage of the experiment, the high mortality rate of elderly patients, results that also included the major demographic factors of the Covid-19 vaccine have not yet been produced.It remains to be seen whether it will work across all ages, as it contains data from only 45 patients aged 18 to 55.

Moderna company Overview

Moderna is a U.S. biotech firm focusing on research and development of medicines based solely on the Cambridge-based RNA (mRNA). Moderna is developing a therapeutic drug by inserting synthetic mRNA into a patient's living cells, and these cells are not externally made and injected into general medicines, but are a technique to reprogram cells to make self-healing and vaccines. Putting RNA into the cell is a new technology that can solve the problem of not being able to overcome the dangerous side effects.As of May 2020, no mRNA drug has been approved for use in human taxes.

Moderna's Management Performance

Sales are still small, and operating losses are growing.

(unit: US M$) 2019 2018 2017 2016
revenue 60.21 135.07 205.82 108.4
   sales profit -545.72 -413.27 -269.36 -223.77
   net profit -514.02 -384.73 -255.92 -216.21

Moderna stock price

Vaccine news came as the pandemic continues to spread throughout the United States, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News.

Moderna's stock has already nearly quadrupled in 2020 on hopes that the Corona vaccine will be quickly approved. Share prices jumped nearly 40 percent on July 13 and 14, 2020. It was when the news of the formation of Corona 19 antibody in Moderna became known. Moderina shares also surged 16 percent in after-hours trading.

2020.7.14 Moderna stock price surge

Moderna shares will be incorporated into the Nasdaq-100 index starting July 20. Although the entry into Nasnak-100 will not change the fundamental position on Moderna, the index fund tracking NASDAQ could boost stock prices in the short term, raising the possibility of a rise in stock buying.

stock price flow of Moderna

As investment is gaining momentum, demand for moders and stocks can generally increase. In other words, there is a possibility that stock prices will rise.

Presenting details on the clinical first-stage experiment of the corona19 vaccine candidate, mRNA-1273, Moderna noted that antibodies were generally safely strengthened and produced immune responses from test participants. More specifically, after two doses, the vaccine produced neutralizing antibodies that were key to fighting the virus. formed four times higher than found in patients recovering from coronavirus infection. Moderna said it will begin a three-stage experiment for vaccines and will be able to get the results by Thanksgiving.

Although stimulating the formation of neutered antibodies has yet to prove that the vaccine works, it is passing through an important early stage of clinical trials. No side effects have occurred in most patients that are so severe that they can no longer be tested.